Tropisk punsj

Skap en liten sommersensasjon med denne tropiske fruktpunsjen. Sødme fra Natreen gir punsjen en ekstra punch.


  • 1 papaya eller en liten ananas
  • En liten mango eller 200g pasjonsfrukt
  • 1 kiwi eller to ferske fiken
  • 2 appelsiner
  • Litt kanel
  • 2 ml Natreen Væske
  • Bær
  • Litchi


  1. 01

    Flavor the coffee with Natrena sweeteners. Add the grated lemon peel and orange juice and stir the mixture well.

  2. 02

    Pour the coffee into a shallow bowl or the ice tray of the refrigerator and let it freeze.

  3. 03

    Stir the mixture every half hour until it has turned into ice crystals (approx. 3 hours).

  4. 04

    Beat the slimming cream with Natrena Crystal Powder until semi-stiff. Serve the granita with the cream in tall glasses.